Administrator Resources
Alternate Achievement Standards
Indiana Content Connectors
Indiana's alternate standards, alignment documents, and assessment blueprints to help all general and special education teachers succeed:
Description of Indiana Alternate Assessment (I AM) Blueprints
Supporting Implementation of Alternate Standards, Content Connectors in Indiana
Dynamic Learning Maps
The Dynamic Learning Maps® (DLM®) Consortium is made up of state departments of education who use and develop the DLM Alternate Assessment system. DLM assessments are computer-based and accessible to students with significant cognitive disabilities for whom general state assessments are not appropriate, even with accommodations. DLM assessments offer students in grades three through high school a way to show what they know and can do.
The instructional resources on this page are for states using the Year-End model: Instructional Resources for YE Model States.
The instructional resources on this page are for states using the Instructionally Embedded model: Instructional Resources for IE Model States.